3 Best Protein Powders for Pregnancy

pregnant woman holding her belly

The Best Protein Powders for Pregnancy

A big part of this involves what you eat during pregnancy. Committing to a healthy lifestyle is never as important as it is when you are pregnant. 

Unhealthy eating in general, or unhealthy activities (drinking or smoking) can lead to birth defects.

On top of the quality and overall healthiness of the food you have to eat for pregnancy, you also have to eat more. 

Nutrition For Pregnant Women

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that, when you’re pregnant, you have to ‘eat for two.’ This should not be taken completely literally, but the sentiment of this little statement is accurate.

You need approximately 300 more calories a day, while pregnant. But, it is important to keep in mind that these calories should be loaded with nutrients – the more nutrients you consume, the better off your child will be.

Protein Powders During Pregnancy

Whether or not you are an incredibly active athlete, consuming protein powder can have numerous benefits for pregnant women. 

Because you have to consume more food, more nutrients, more minerals, etc. etc., drinking protein powders daily make this increased food margin a lot easier to reach.

Now, during pregnancy, I’m sure you are being extra-cautious about anything you choose to consume, knowing that, if you eat it, so will your baby. This caution is definitely not misplaced.

Everything you eat should be treated with scrutiny. Many protein powders contain ingredients that would be unhealthy to consume during pregnancy. 

But that doesn’t mean you have no options. One other thing to note, these powders are also good post-pregnancy, such as when you’re starting up your postpartum fitness routine

Here are the three best protein powders for pregnancy: 

(Note: with foods that are safe during pregnancy, these are general suggestions as scientific testing cannot ethically be performed on pregnant women to prove certain theories about the safety of certain foods. Regardless, these suggestions should be heeded). 

#1 Fermented Organic Vegan Protein Powder +

Fermented Organic Vegan Protein + jar

-This is the cheapest place to get it from.

The biggest thing about consuming protein powders during pregnancy is that you want to be sure it is made from whole foods.

Optimally, the best protein powder will also be loaded with servings of vegetables/fruit so that it can contain high levels of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, in addition to clean protein.

Organic is one of the best options, so long as you have the means to buy organic. If you are consuming food that is devoid of pesticides and other chemicals, you are ensuring the prolonged health of you and your baby.

In addition, protein shakes that contain added sugar or sweeteners are generally not a great idea. You want to keep your blood sugar levels balanced, and you definitely want to avoid consuming chemicals. 

Pros and Cons:  

The best thing about this organic, vegan protein powder, is that it is fermented. You don’t often see this with protein powders.

However, one of the biggest drawbacks to using 100% plant-based protein, is that it is often more difficult to digest.

Considering the hormonal shifts you are going through, this may not be the best situation. 

But, by fermenting the protein, which is derived from a total of seven vegan, whole-food options, digestion becomes much, much easier. 

It comes in a decent variety of flavors and is loaded with iron, calcium, and other minerals and nutrients, as well as 20 grams of clean, natural protein. 

Unfortunately, this product is on the more expensive side, with a 30-serving tub. 

But considering the quality of the ingredients you’re getting, it may well be worth the expens

#2 Mommi Prenatal Protein Shake

Mommi Prenatal Protein Shake bag

This is the cheapest place to get it from.

This protein powder was designed and recommended by OB/GYNs and is meant for pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

In addition to the 15 grams of whey protein, this powder contains all the same vitamins most prenatal supplements contain, which ensures that you are consuming the right nutrients.

Pros and Cons: 

It also includes extra levels of vitamin B6, which helps ease morning sickness. On top of being non-GMO and gluten-free, this protein powder is designed to mix easily, quickly, and smoothly, resulting in a delicious, palatable shake. 

It is on the more expensive side, with a one-pound (15-serving) bag. 

Additionally, the ingredients used are not organic, which is not a must but is still a preferable option.

The protein powder used is also not plant-based, so the product may not be classified as vegan, either. It is still a good, healthy option, and certainly has the credibility to back it up.

But due to the price and quality of ingredients, it’s not as good as our first choice. 

#3 Levels 100% Grass Fed Whey Protein

Levels 100% Grass Fed Whey Protein jar

This is the cheapest place to get it from.

This protein powder has so much protein content per serving, at 25 grams of whey protein in each serving. 

The protein used is Whey concentrate, and the milk Level purchases come from 100% organic, grass-fed cows.

This product also contains no antibiotics, bleach, hormones, or gluten. It comes in a handful of flavors, including Chocolate, Vanilla, and Unflavored.

Pros and Cons: 

The unflavored protein shakes contain only two ingredients: whey concentrate, and Sunflower lecithin, which can help prevent breast inflammation. 

Having only two ingredients allows for a lot of confidence that this protein powder is natural, wholesome, and healthy for you and your baby.

In addition to their variety of vitamins and minerals, Levels contains 130 calories, 2 grams of total sugar, and 25 grams of protein.

It is also the most reasonably priced option on this list, with a two-pound (30-serving) container. 

This is a good, all-natural, ultra-healthy option that will keep you and your baby well-fed and supplied with much protein. 

Which One Should You Buy?

Your child’s health is of course of paramount importance, which is why selecting the right protein powder for pregnant women is so important. 

These are three good options that represent a variety of choices out there. If you were to pick one, I would go for the Mommi Prenatal one, because it’s intentionally made for pregnant women. 

In addition to closely scrutinizing each label and ingredients list, if you ever have any doubts or questions, make sure to call your doctor. 

It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when the health of your child is at stake. 

Picture of Daniel

Article by:

Daniel DeMoss

I’m a personal trainer based in Denver (Matrix Gym) and a true fitness nerd. If I’m not training clients or working out at my home gym, I’m probably skiing, cycling or hiking with my dog Rufus.